Upcoming and Past Events


Upcoming events

Week of Science and Technology (WST) and Open-Door Day (8.11.2017) at our department

Even this year the Czech Academy of Science organizes a traditional festival of science and technology. The main aim is to present actual research topics, scientific workplaces and even the backstage of scientists activities for wide audience including students from primary and secondary schools. WST will start on 6.11.2017 and will last until 12.11.2017. All those interested can visit lectures, workshops or excursions at many departments of AS CR all over the Czech Republic. Curent programme and more info are available at festival's web pages  www.tydenvedy.cz/en . 

Our department will participate on WST by Open-Door Day on 8.11.2017 from 9:00 to 15:00. In cooperation with the colleagues from Dep. of Vegetation Ecology, we prepare at our workplace in Brno, Lidická 25/27 (2nd a 3rd floor) lectures and excursions around our labs supplemented with comments and examples of concrete research activities. All those interested are cordially invited. The entrance for individuals is free, bigger groups are pleased to  register prior by Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D. (phone: +420 605 510 954, e-mail: eliska.marsalkova@ibot.cas.cz).

Week of Science and Technology and Open-Door Day (2.11.2016) at our department

Týden vědy a techniky AV ČR 2016Even this year the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic organizes a traditional festival of science and technology. The main aim is to present actual research topics, scientific workplaces and even the backstage of scientists activities for wide audience including students from primary and secondary schools. WST will start on 1.11.2016 and will last until 13.11.2016. All those interested can visit lectures, workshops or excursions at many departments of AS CR all over the Czech Republic. Curent programme and more info are available at festival's web pages  www.tydenvedy.cz (in Czech). 

One of the opening events of WST will be a lecture of our colleague, Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D., entitled "Can algae and different forms of iron clean water?". The lecture will be performed on 1.11.2016 from 18:00 in Brno Observatory and Planetarium.

Our department will participate on WST by Open-Door Day on 2.11.2016 from 9:30 to 16:00. In cooperation with the colleagues from Dep. of Vegetation Ecology, we prepare at our workplace in Brno, Lidická 25/27 (2. a 3. floor) lectures and excursions around our labs supplemented with comments and examples of concrete research activities. All those interested are cordially invited. The entrance for individuals is free, bigger groups are pleased to  register prior by Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D. (phone: +420 605 510 954, e-mail: eliska.marsalkova@ibot.cas.cz).

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Past events

1.-15. November 2015
Week of Science and Technology

On November 1.-15. Academy of Sceince of the Czech Republic organized the 15th festival "Week of Science and Technology" (WST), entitled „15 light years“. The main aim of this festival is to popularize current scientific research findings and development in technologies to wide layman audience.
On November 1. in shopping gallery FORUM NOVÁ KAROLINA in Ostrava, there was an "interactive day" within the scope of WST introducing exhibition called "Science you understand". This event was organized by reprezentatives from Institute of Botany ASCR, Institute of Geonics ASCR, Global Change Research Centre ASCR, Planetarium Ostrava and Dolní oblast Vítkovice Cultural Monument. Rich program was designed to introduce actual scientific findings to wide audience. Our department was reprezented by  Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D. and Martina Sadílková. The topic of our exposition was world of water plants and animals, purity of water and light penetration in the water or risks of cyanobacteria occurrence. Exposition was supplemented by demostration of small water crustaceans and a measurement of plant photosynthesis on the basis of carbon dioxide exchange between plant and atmosphere in relation to light (see photogallery). Short video reportage about the exhibiton was published also by Czech Telivision in their main News broadcasting "Události" (see the archive of CT broadcasting: Události 1.11.2015, cca 36.-37. minute). Unfortunately the shots of our exposition are supplemented by commentary referring to Global Change Research Centre ASCR.
Within the WTS, on November 4. our department (as many other institutes of ASCR) organized also a traditional "Open Door Day". From 8:30 the labs were opened for wide audience and especially for students from primary and secondary schools. After a short lecture "Light and life in water" given by Ing. Eliška Maršálková, Ph.D., all the visitors were invited to commented visit into labs showing methods somehow utilizing light -  e.g. induced chlorophyll fluorescence measurements or work with fluorescence microscope. During the whole day, our department was visited by 90 interested persons (see photogallery and also a video shot prepared by Centre of Audiovizual Technologies ASCR - video is available at WTS web pages (TVT - Galerie-Reportáže called "3. minuta festivalu" or directly on https://youtu.be/tKQyKdQEcfU).
From 18:00 all those interested can listen to complete version of lecture "Light and life in water" also in Planetarium at Kraví Hora.
Program WST 2015 for Brno available here (in Czech) and complete information on WST web www.tydenvedy.cz